1 jul 2014

#30Días30Canciones Día 13: Una canción que me gusta en secreto

Si me gustara algo en secreto y lo dijera por acá, obviamente dejaría de ser secreto, pero sí hay canciones que no ando gritando por los cuatro vientos que me gustan, sobre todo cuando se trata de cosas súper pop tipo Britney o Belinda.
De ese estilo, la que recuerdo en este momento es de cuando -la ahora controversial- Miley Cyrus aún llevaba ropa encima.

The Climb - Miley Cyrus

I can almost see it
that dream I'm dreaming, but
there's a voice inside my head saying
you'll never reach it.

Every step i'm taking
every move i make, feels
lost, with no direction
my faith is shaking
but i, i gotta keep trying
gotta keep my head held high

There's always gonna be another mountain
i'm always gonna wanna make it move
always gonna be an uphill battle
sometimes i'm gonna have to lose
ain't about how fast i get there
ain't about what's waiting
on the other side
it's the climb

The struggles i'm facing
the chances i'm taking
sometimes might knock me down, but
no i'm not breaking
i may not know it
but these are the moments that
i'm gonna remember most, yeah
just gotta keep going
and i, i gotta be strong
just keep pushing on

'cause, there's always gonna be another mountain
i'm always gonna wanna make it move
always gonna be an uphill battle
sometimes i'm gonna have to lose
ain't about how fast i get there
ain't about what's waiting on the other side
it's the climb (x2)

Keep on moving, keep climbing
keep the faith, baby
It's all about
it's all about the climb
keep the faith
keep your faith.

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